Several folks have asked about some JCPR training rides. Since I will get out and pre ride the full length of the route, I will schedule 3 rides breaking the route down into 55-75 mile [...]
Here you will find some important information for this year’s ride “Tour of the Tarot Cards”. Not in any specific order, so you should read this in its entirety. If something is doubled up, it [...]
The JCPR is offering a “drop box” service in Polebridge at the 72 mile point. Few rules to abide by if you are going to use this service: A couple folks volunteered to help out and [...]
Paper map, how old skhool you say! May be, but sure beats looking at that small screen on your phone or gps unit. Plus what happens when your devices goes black at the end of the day because you [...]
A while back I asked, “Is your name Hugh Glass” … I’d like to think that everyone is bear aware, but I’m afraid not. It is suggested that you carry a can of Bear [...]
I like listening to tunes also, but I leave the head phones at home. Instead I usually strap on an Outdoor Tech. Buckshot Bluetooth enabled audio device. That way I can still listen to Lance [...]
It’s just Bear Grass crazy out there this year! Pedaled the last 74.9 miles of the JCPR – Tour of the Whitefish Divide with Phillip and Jim who are doing the official rid on the 29th. [...]
Appreciate what you have, especially beer, burgers and a ride home after a 55 miles of dirt roads. Always finishing at the end of the Rainbow. Alway a rainbow somewhere in life. If you are ever [...]
I road the first 45 miles of the route, starting from the Whitefish Bike Retreat and then returned on the final 22 miles of the course back to the Whitefish Bike Retreat. The following is [...]
A fair amount of questions regarding gearing choice for the Tour of the Whitefish Divide route this year. I can’t specifically address your needs as it’s purely subjective, if it were up to me [...]