2018-Tour of the Tarot Cards particulars.
Here you will find some important information for this year’s ride “Tour of the Tarot Cards”. Not in any specific order, so you should read this in its entirety. If something is doubled up, it might be twice as important!
-You are responsible for yourself! Read the Rules and FAQ’s on the website, and the information below.
-You need to sign a release waiver, prior to the start of the ride on Friday the 1st of September. I will be at the Whitefish Bike Retreat from 4 – 6:30 PM. Waivers can be signed from 4 – 5:45 PM. There will be a short ride briefing at 6 PM sharp. This will take place in front of the office. MANDATORY. No show, no ride.
-There will be a rider sign in prior to the start. This closes at11:50. Sign in and start in front of the office. MANDATORY
-Please park in the “DAY USE PARKING” area. From the turn upon entering the WBR, continue forward and when you crest and then descend the hill, parking is signed to your right.
-If the ride is “self supported” why is there an aid station? Because Cricket of the Whitefish Bike Retreat offered to do one. You are allowed one drop box, the size of a small shoe box. This is only meant for some nutritional needs. Aid boxes should be left at the pre- ride meeting.
-What you start with is what you need to finish with. The aid station is not a place to drop off unwanted clothing and what not. You are welcome to leave any trash such as GU pouches and food wrappers, though.
-View this ride as a 167 mile self-supported training ride.
-There is no sweep of the route. If you have a mental breakdown, and/or a mechanical issue(s), you are responsible for your own self rescue.
-There will be three check points along the route. You will need to relay your name and number to the individual at these points along the route. The second checkpoint will consist of a sign in/out sheet at the Bitterroot Quick Stop.
-Official finish cut off is 18 hours, this is a bit over a 9.25mph/hr average.
-There is limited cell service on the route.
-It is suggested that you carry a personal emergency communication device. Such as a, SPOT, INREACH, SATELLITE PHONE.
-If you have an emergency dial 911, this is your quickest way to summon help. If you use your phone it often will relay your long./lat. coordinates. SPOT or INREACH goes directly to emergency services when you hit the SOS button along with your position.
-It’s a good idea to ride with someone.
-Some of the turns are signed, some aren’t. It is a good idea to familiarize with the route. Carry a map and print out the cue cards.
-If you are using a cycling computer/gps, it is a good idea to turn off the “off course/route” warning. The gpx route file is pretty close to being 100% accurate. Some map/road data that is on your gps device may be inaccurate. In some cases, the improved/unimproved dirt roads that travel through the national forest may not be correct on the map loaded on your device. Trust the gpx file and cue cards.
Route info – https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28245961?privacy_code=UTEsN63ZKpn2M9Oo. You can down load the route files in several formats. Cue sheets are also available for download.
-The two maps you need to cover the route are both published by the United States Department of Agriculture. 1.) Flathead National Forest. 2.) Kootenai and East Half Kaniksu National Forest. These are large maps and the route runs a shared boarder of both maps. Tape them together and cut away what you don’t need.
-Mileage notes are approximate. Give or take a tenth or so if needed. Stop, think, look at a map or cue cards if needed.
All roads are well traveled and easy to follow, road/turn intersections are obvious.
-Read the POI notes, they contain some important information.
-The route and associated files are the “route ridden”. Your cycling computer/gps device may warn you that you are off route(?). This is because some of the road data that is pre loaded onto your device may have some inaccurate road data. For this reason I would suggest turning off any route warnings on your device that differentiates between the pre-loaded maps on your device and the gpx file of the actual route that you will upload to your device. Might save some confusion.
-You will pick out a Tarot Card at the start, aid station and the Glacier Distilling Whiskey Stop. You must also buy a Powerball ticket with a Power Play (they are $3.00) at the Bitterroot Quick Stop. You will then relinquish these 4 items at an undisclosed stop somewhere between miles 109-162. Bonuses for whiskey aficionados.
-There will be a sign in/out sheet at the aid station, Quick Stop and whiskey stop. Forget to sign in/out, and you are no longer a part of the JCPR.
-Miles 0-6 will be a neutral roll out, group ride. With miles 2-6 on Highway 93, single file riding and lights required. Once we take a left on Farm to Market, your race is on.
-Miles 40-48 you will descend the west side of Brush Creek Pass Divide. There are numerous water diversion bars across the road. These are a flexible rubber mat material that is about 1/2″ thick and imbedded in the road surface, protrude/stick up about 6-8″ from the road surface and run at a 30* degree angle (they will angle down to the right outside edge of the road). You will also cross a set of railroad tracks at the bottom of the decent. This section will be covered in the predawn hours. CAUTION!!!
-Mile 151.9 you will take a right and pass through the Tally Lake Campground. After you take a right stay left and cross Logan Creek on the bridge. Continue forward, staying left. After about 1/8 of a mile the road swings right, down and towards the lake, stay left and pass the gate on either side and continue forward. You will pass through a second gate in about 6/10 of a mile. Continue forward.
Pavement Sections:
-Water on the route. There are plenty of water sources along the route. It is suggested you treat the water. Water will be available at the aid station, mile 57.1. From about mile 70-104 there is no water. Plan accordingly.
-If you feel you need water to make it through miles 70-104, you can take a left at mile 68.6 and stop at the Island Lake boat launch access. You can either then retrace your path back to the route or continue forward and take a right onto Nat. Forest Rd. 2349 and get back on route at mile 69.4. Up to you what you want to do. Best to consult a map before hand.
-There is no aid from mile 104 to the finish (67 miles). The Bitterroot Quick Stop opens at 6AM. They have a standard fare of convenience store foods available to keep you going for the next 65 miles. You will find Sour Patch Kids, Power Bars, Pepperoni Sticks…. As for water, please don’t use the soda machine to fill your bottles, buy a jug of water and fill up outside, there is no water for the next 20 miles.
At the finish there will be beers flowing from the Kalispell Brewing Company, featuring a summer seasonal Joe Cosley Inda Pale Lager. There will also be salty snacks, water, soda and some heathy options as well.
-Need a hot shower after the ride? The bath house is available for JCPR riders for a nominal cost of $5.00. On the honor system, pay in the office.
If you win your category, awards at 6.
-You are responsible for yourself! Read the Rules and FAQ’s on the website, and make sure you understand the information stated above.